► Introduction
     • Vision
     • Mission

     • Strategic Goals 
► Program/Project currently undertaken by FED
► Programs/Activities
► Reports/Publications



The Forestry Enterprise Division (FED) is a technical wing of the FNCCI looking after the entire spectrum of forest related issues from the stand point of the private sector.
The mandate of FED is to “promote forestry commercialization activities and provide inputs in the formulation of private sector friendly policies and strategies in the sector”.

The main five defined thrust areas of the FED are:
  • Policy Advocacy
  • Institutional Strengthening
  • Market Linkage and Partnership
  • Forestry Information Hub
  • Business Development Services


"Creating Economically Vibrant and Sustainable Forestry Business Enterprises and Industries in Nepal"

"Develop FED as a professionally managed forestry business support center for promoting private sector led forestry business enterprise and forest based industrial development in Nepal"

The FED aspires to achieve the following long term goals:
  • Establish FED as a professional business development support center for promoting development of private sector led forestry business enterprises (FBE) and industries; 
  • Promote commercialization of forestry products and services through private sector led forestry based enterprises (FBE) and  forest based industries; 
  • Advocate for timely reforms of private sector friendly policies, regulations and administrative mechanisms in forestry;
  • Strengthen and develop business linkages through collaboration and cooperation among and between the FBEs, CBFEs, Govt. and financial sectors; and
  • Support sustainable commercialization of forestry products and services by helping to create sound business environment.

The FED operates under the overall guidance of the governing Board set up by the FNCCI. The salient feature of its working approach is to create enabling environment for forestry businesses and industries to become viable, competitive and socioeconomically sustainable.  The FED concentrates in the thematic areas are as shown below:

The FED’s short, medium and long-term priorities are:
  • Establish FED as a Forestry Business Development Centre;
  • Create user friendly forestry knowledge hub to provide online data and information services;
  • Help existing and new forest based industries and enterprises to grow;
  • Improve access and affordability to business development services to all;
  • Organize policy advocacy and awareness events and lobby for effective  implementation of policies and regulations;
  • Promote effective business linkages and joint venture partnership nationally, regionally and globally;
  • Provide organization development, management and human and institutional capacity building service;  and
  • Mobilize internal and external funding for sustaining FED operations.
  • Develop functional collaborative and co-operative working arrangements with  forestry business agencies and entities of government especially HPPCL, HNCC and FPDB;
  • Network with commodity associations of forestry businesses and networks;
  • Develop good rapport with relevant government ministries, departments and corporations especially TEPC, ITPC;
  • Develop strategic partnership with major donors and development partners especially GIZ, USAID, NORAD, ADB, World Bank and IFC etc.;
  • Develop working relationship with HANDPASS, NEHHPA, FenFIT, NVA, HEAN, JABAN and other sectorial commodity associations as well as national NGOs and federations such as ANSAB, FECOFFUN, ACOFUN, NEFAN etc.  and
  • Organize forestry business and product promotion events such as trade fair, exhibitions, and business partnership forum.


This project has been successfully completed on June 15, 2016. It was initiated under the partnership agreement of FNCCI and Multi Stakeholder Forestry Programme (MSFP), which was signed on December 31, 2014.

The overall objective was to promote engagement of private sector in the forestry sector policy process and commercialization of forest products.

The specific objectives were:
  • Institutional setup of Forestry Enterprise Division within FNCCI and function as a Liaison/ Information-hub for existing and upcoming producers, investors, traders and related stakeholders.
  • Actively engage in policy contribution and advocacy for favorable forestry business environment.
  • Support Forestry Business/Commodity Associations and Districts Chamber of Commerce to enhance their capacity as ‘Business Development Service Providers’ to local producers and enterprises for market linkages, technical backup and to attract investments.


Programs/Activities Implemented during the FNCCI - MSFP Project:

SN Programs/Activities Venue Date of Implementation
1. Brain Storming Meeting on National Forest Entity Kathmandu January 25, 2015
2. Brain Storming Meeting on Policy Issues & Gaps  Kathmandu April 2, 2016
3. National Level Workshop “Economic Sustainability of Forest Resources in Nepal” Kathmandu August 21, 2015
4. Development of the FED Strategic Plan Document - February 6, 2016
5. Regional Level Business Plan Development (Forestry) Training at Pokhara-Western Development Region Pokhara December 13-15, 2016
6. Regional Level Business Plan Development (Forestry) Training at Dhangadi-Far Western Development Region  Dhangadhi January 31-February 2, 2016
7. Business Plan Development (Forestry) Training at Birendranagar-Mid Western Development Region Birendranagar February 17-19, 2016
8. Business Plan Development (Forestry) Training at Central Development Region Birgunj March 2-4, 2016
9. Business Plan Development (Forestry) Training at Eastern Development Region  Rajbiraj May 12-14, 2016
10. Strategic Plan Development Support to the Forestry based Commodity Associations (HANDPASS, NEHHPA and FenFIT Nepal) - May 30, 2-16

Workshop Report on Economic Sustainability of Forest Resources in Nepal
Report on Business Plan Development Training (Forestry)
December 13-15, 2015, Pokhara, Western Development Region



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